Sale price Price $22.25 Regular price

fuji apple, nectarine, honey

Producer: Small lot holders

Area: Cajamarca, Amazonas, Lambayeque

Altitude: 1,300-2,250 meters

Variety: Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor, Pacis, San Antonio and Typica varieties

Processing: Washed

CECANOR represents about 167 farmers in the Cajamarca, Amazonas and Lambayeque regions of Peru. Together, the farmers follow organic production protocols to create delicious coffee, but to also honor the land they inhabit. Their deep connection to the land is cultural and spiritual. This leads to care and intention in everything they do, with coffee sharing space with other crops such as banana, corn and beans. To have a coffee taste so delicious and then understand that it was the coordinated effort between that many individual farms is impressive, to say the least. It begins with selective picking of the most ripe cherries, which are processed at the farm level in micro-mills. The fruits are floated to separate underripes and then depulped, washed and sun-dried to perfection. We find a delicious balance of stone fruit, apple-like juiciness, and a sweet lingering finish with notes of honey.